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Managed Services
Actively managed solutions to keep your business ahead.

Managed services allow you to reduce overheads, free up staff and concentrate on your business. We can assist with the majority of technical requirements for businesses of all sizes. Whether you want us on hand daily or annually we will make arrangements around your needs. If you’re looking for single, ad hoc services without the monthly cost please see our Professional Services or contact us for more information.


Managed services allow you to reduce overheads, free up staff and concentrate on your business. We can assist with the majority of technical requirements for businesses of all sizes. Whether you want us on hand daily or annually we will make arrangements around your needs. If you’re looking for single, ad hoc services without the monthly cost please see our Professional Services or contact us for more information.


We are able to assist with all aspects of running a successful website whether you have a small blog or a complex marketplace.

  • Disaster recovery and failure prevention
  • Security audits and optimisation
  • Website modifications and updates
  • Ongoing support and guidance
  • Leveraging SEO to maximise your impact
  • Powerful reporting to extract and make sense of valuable data
  • Ad hoc support whenever you need us

Reduce costs by letting TapRoot support your IT services, or alternatively we can complement your existing IT personnel.

  • Your own IT department without the associated cost
  • Server, workstation, telephony and peripheral support
  • Access to competitively priced hardware and software
  • Enhance your capabilities by combining TapRoot with existing staff
  • Benefit from a discounted on site support rate for remote customers
  • Continual improvement to keep you ahead of your competition
  • Out of hours and emergency support, there when you need us

We will work with you to formulate a robust plan of action to allow you to make the most of cloud technologies and identify savings opportunities.

  • Specialists in public, private and hybrid cloud solutions
  • Minimise the impact of issues and outages
  • Save on data storage costs by moving old data to a cloud archive
  • Powerful solutions which scale with you
  • We assist with planning, implementation, maintenance and more
  • Free up physical space in your premises
  • Reduce costly call outs for your servers and other infrastructure

Ensure your business is protected if the worst should happen. Critical failures can affect a businesses reputation and ability to provide their services. We can make sure you’re prepared.

  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies to keep your critical services online
  • Off site backups and secure storage
  • Rapid response to all business critical issues
  • Monitoring to catch potential issues before they occur
  • Best in class cloud solutions to give peace of mind
  • Regular disaster recovery testing
  • Protect both physical and virtual machines from unforeseen issues

Ensure your business is protected if the worst should happen. Critical failures can affect a businesses reputation and ability to provide their services. We can make sure you’re prepared.

  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies to keep your critical services online
  • Off site backups and secure storage
  • Rapid response to all business critical issues
  • Monitoring to catch potential issues before they occur
  • Best in class cloud solutions to give peace of mind
  • Regular disaster recovery testing
  • Protect both physical and virtual machines from unforeseen issues

We will work with you to formulate a robust plan of action to allow you to make the most of cloud technologies and identify savings opportunities.

  • Specialists in public, private and hybrid cloud solutions
  • Minimise the impact of issues and outages
  • Save on data storage costs by moving old data to a cloud archive
  • Powerful solutions which scale with you
  • We assist with planning, implementation, maintenance and more
  • Free up physical space in your premises
  • Reduce costly call outs for your servers and other infrastructure

We have experience in implementing blockchain solutions for businesses looking to utilise their power internally as well as raising capital via blockchain based crowdfunding.

  • Smart contracts, DApps and integrations
  • Private blockchains to harness their power for your business
  • Enhance supply chain integrity
  • Consultancy to support you whilst planning your project
  • Tailored advisory roles enabling us to assist from start to finish
  • Identity solutions providing you with KYC and AML services
  • APIs and powerful scripts to retrieve and manipulate data

We can help with managing your existing network, building a new one, routing cabling, installing switches, modernising your telephony and much more.

  • Configuration and maintenance of networks of all sizes
  • Business grade WIFI
  • Fault tolerant networking to keep you connected
  • Remote monitoring to ensure your network doesn’t let you down
  • Setting staff up for remote working
  • Work mobile phone procurement and set up
  • MPLS configuration and maintenance to connect multiple sites
The aim of our managed services is to provide you with all of the benefits of your very own IT department without the often spiralling costs associated with it. This is especially important for small and medium businesses which cannot justify the expenditure of an IT team or in house infrastructure. We are able to advise on the most cost effective, secure and reliable solutions which are perfectly suited to your business size and type. Many start ups opt for managed services from the start but if you would prefer us to help on an ad hoc basis instead we are able to assist whenever you require.
Send us a message outlining your needs and we will get back to you to arrange a free consultation.